вильгельм генрих шлезингер (1814 - 1893)

Wilhelm Heinrich Schlesinger was a French painter of the second half of the 19th century of German descent. He is known as a portrait painter and genre painter.
Schlesinger studied painting at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, worked in Vienna, then settled in Paris. From 1840 to 1889, he exhibited his works at the Paris Salon. The artist favored idealistic historical subjects and scenes from intimate life. His painting "Five Senses" was purchased by the French Empress Eugenie. The master, staying in Istanbul, painted official portraits of Sultan Mahmud II. Schlesinger's paintings are kept in the museums of Vienna and Versailles.

Wilhelm Heinrich Schlesinger was a French painter of the second half of the 19th century of German descent. He is known as a portrait painter and genre painter.
Schlesinger studied painting at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, worked in Vienna, then settled in Paris. From 1840 to 1889, he exhibited his works at the Paris Salon. The artist favored idealistic historical subjects and scenes from intimate life. His painting "Five Senses" was purchased by the French Empress Eugenie. The master, staying in Istanbul, painted official portraits of Sultan Mahmud II. Schlesinger's paintings are kept in the museums of Vienna and Versailles.